Tomato Quality

Written by martins-produce | Posted on 27 August 2024

Tomato Quality

Morning All

The markets are having major trouble with quality of tomatoes, this time of year we rely on Carnarvon tomatoes which are never good enough to send, we always source tomatoes from Queensland and South Australia to help with quality issues, but unfortunately this year they are also having issues, Queensland are having major rains which is affecting fruit, and South Australia are having problems with a virus that is causing their fruit to go black on the inside. We have no choice but to still bring in Queensland tomatoes, but fruit is not the usual quality, and even though we are going through every box for you, there will be the odd bad tomato that can turn bad overnight, please let us know how much you loose and we can organize you a credit.

Also, this time of year when we get our local heavy rains, Onion’s quality does deteriorate, growers are going to open up their storage onion early than expected because we are getting way too many complaints, please know we are buying the best onions available.

In some positive news, Strawberries and blueberries are sensational so stock those shelves.

Have a good week everyone




Tomato Quality

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