Market Update

Written by martins-produce | Posted on 24 January 2024

Market Update

**Please jump on here every week for updates, we no longer post on our WhatsApp, as it got hacked, any updates I will put here in the Market Update, so please jump on to check**



Asparagus – Asparagus coming down in price next week.
Leaf Lines – Expect supply and quality issues on all leaf lines due to heat. 
Lebanese Cucumbers – Price still high.
Lettuce – Been really struggling with the lettuce due to the heat.
Tomatoes – Tomatoes quality has been great, been told quality will be the same all next week so feel free to order up.
Spinach/Mesculin – Still having issues with salad bags this week just passed. I am hoping next week the quality improves.
Swedes – Swedes are short and heat affected



Avocado – Prices are staying high
Strawberries– Strawberries just keep getting tougher. 500g family pack were not available this week due to the size of the fruit being too small and we expect that to continue next week.  Locals are not holding quality and South Australian supply is very little to nothing.
Grapes – We are now well and truly into the swan Valley season. The White Autumn Crisp fruit is amazing, and the price will be dropping next week. I would recommend pushing this line hard.
New Season Gala Apples – Steady supply of new season galas for shelf and bagging available. I would suggest using these over the Pink Ladys where possible as the pinks are now getting old.
Apples – Apples continue to be scarce and expensive. Desperate for the new season to get into full swing, 
Grapefruit – Grapefruit switched Egyptian stock as the local fruit is finished.
Egyptian Mandarins – Egyptian mandarins have arrived earlier than usual. Fruits pretty good. 
USA Oranges – Quality improving and price easing just a little bit. 
3kg Oranges – Aussies citrus is out of season so these will break down, recommend USA Loose Navels.
Blueberries – Local Blueberries finishing. Blueberries will be coming from New Zealand now. Expect much higher prices.


Thank you

Wes & Andrew


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