Market Update

**Please jump on here every week for updates, we no longer post on our WhatsApp, as it got hacked, any updates I will put here in the Market Update, so please jump on to check**



Lettuce – has been an issue for weeks, today we are using Bogdanovich now, one of our good 10 count growers Have confirmed supply for next week.
Burpless – prices have spiked this week with several growers pulling out crops because recent heat causing excessive growth. Have been able to secure some great produce from other supplier but prices will remain high next week.
Lebanese Cucumbers – are the same story as burpless. Expect price to spike 2 to 3 dollars a kilo.
Red Onion – New Season Locals are here.
Tomatoes – quality has improved since Monday, but still slightly heat affected. Starting next week tomatoes should be back to full quality. Least that’s what I’m told. Will keep you all posted next week.
Spinach/Mesculin – as you can imagine with recent heat these are a problem, today we had to use a new grower Supa Fresh as Loose Leaf and Pana are out of spinach 🤦‍♂️. quality should improve next week. ‘
Ginger – Old season has ended, and new season has just started but there’s not much of it so prices will be up this week.

Radish – Radish is very short but should be able to supply if ordered. Expect very high prices though.

Asparagus – Eastern states and local loose asparagus available. Not much around though so expect high prices.



Avocado – Prices up again next week! Expect to pay over $3 an avocado. 

Strawberries– same as this time every year, yes, they aren’t sensational, but Southwest and South Australia is our only option and both are of same quality, keep stock levels low and keep an eye on the fruit on shelf.
Rockmelon – we are now using new season swan valley fruit, because of recent heat unfortunately you will cut the odd overripe fruit.
Grapes – swan valley has started, we have White Dawn $12.50+/kg and Autumn Crisp $18.50/kg, please specify on your orders what you would prefer. As the swan valley fruit isn’t in full swing yet prices remain high.
Apples – we are getting closer to new season apple arriving, which means old season is getting very short and prices are up. This affects apples at the shelf, bagging and juicing level. I was told today that we may completely run out of Granny’s before the start of the new season. New season Galas are around the corner though for some good news 😊
Nectarines– we have some beautiful fruit coming through now, white flesh is also available, please specify what variety you want.

The tough times due to public holidays and weather continues. Hopefully by Thursday next week things ease a little. We do apologies. 


Thank you

Wes & Andrew



Martins Order Form 2021b (1)

Winners are Grinners AGAIN !!!!

Winners are Grinners AGAIN !!!!

On Friday night at The Crown Ballroom, Cunderin IGA took out BEST SMALL STORE FRUIT AND VEG at the 2021 WA Fruit and Veg awards, well done Jayson Goldson and his team.

This is a big achievement for Martins Produce, our shops have won this award 4 years in a row, considering there is over 400 shop nominees every year this is a massive achievement.

Well done to my awesome team here at Martins Produce, led by Brayden Munro and Lindsay Yates, all the very early mornings and hard work makes everything worth while when your Customers win these awards, so well done Boys. It has been a very difficult year with supply, with COVID affecting growers finding workers, add in an extra wet winter and  several severe hail storms, we have really had to work hard and be ahead of the market, to make sure we can get supply for our awesome Customers.


Below is just some of the awesome work Jayson does with his shop at IGA CUNDERDIN 🙂

Winners are Grinners!!!












Winners are Grinners!!!

Morning All

On Friday night our Customer BG’s Farmstand Busselton took out WA BEST FRESH PRODUCE RETAILER OF THE YEAR “SMALL STORE ”

So congratulations to Michael and Tonia, great achievement.


On Friday night our Customer BG’s Farmstand Busselton took out WA BEST FRESH PRODUCE RETAILER OF THE YEAR “SMALL STORE”
Congratulations to Michael and Tonia, great achievement.
Martins Produce actually had all top 5 Finalist
BG’s Farmstand 1st
Hopetoun IGA
Cunderdin IGA
Narembeen IGA
Wagin Foodworks
Congratulations to our customers on making the final 5, and also a big well done and thank you to my awesome team here at Martins Produce, getting recognised like this really makes the very early mornings at the markets worth while, that is also 3 years in a row Martins Produce supplied shops have won this award !!!
We also had 3 of the top 6 finalist for a BEST REGIONAL STORE

We also had 3 of the top 6 Finalist for BEST REGIONAL STORE.

Have a great week.


Fruit and Veg Displays

Morning All

Please see below some display ideas, there are many ways you can present your produce, have a look and see if there’s any ideas you can try in your displays.

The more time you can put into your displays, you will see the results in your sales, if you have produce breaking down, please get it off the shelf and sell at a discounted price so you don’t stop sales.

Have a great week





Well done to my amazing team at Martins Produce!!

Supplier to the winner of WA’s Best Small Store Fruit and Veg Award for the second year running.




Out of 280 nominees we had 2 shops make the final 5




Congratulations to both shops on an amazing job with your fruit and veg, a lot of hard work so well done!!!

We had Wagin Foodworks win the same award last year so its a big thrill and very rewarding for all the early mornings and hard work.

Now lets make it a 3 in a row next year 🙂

Cunderdin IGA 2019 Winners !!!

Wagin Foodworks 2018 Winners !!!





Please see below what a great job Jayson from IGA Cunderdin is doing with his display, obviously it takes a lot of time and work but the end result looks great, well done Jayson !!!